* Enhances the immune system.
* Supports the cardiovascular system
* Promotes energy.
Thai-Go® [Vital Nutrition, Immune] is a blend of the most healthful fruits and nutritional supplements from all over the world. Thai-Go is replete with xanthones, bioflavonoids and powerful antioxidants. Bioflavonoids contribute to the bright colors of fruits and vegetables. In the body, bioflavonoids enhance vitamin C absorption and help maintain collagen and capillary walls. They also aid in the body’s immune defense system.
Antioxidants scavenge the free radicals that the body accumulates as a byproduct of energy production as well as through pollution, tobacco smoke, ultraviolet light and radiation. Antioxidants benefit virtually every organ and body system because they mop up damaging free radicals. Thai-Go delivers a punch of antioxidant potential with a very high ORAC value.
Among Thai-Go‘s key ingredients is mangosteen, a tasty fruit found in eastern tropical nations, such as Thailand. Mangosteen contains the greatest known supply of compounds called xanthones. Xanthones offer powerful immune and cardiovascular support. Other ingredients in this nutritious juice include Acai berries, pomegranate, wolfberry/gogi fruit, sea buckthorn, red grapes, grape seeds, grape skins, raspberries, blueberries, apple extract and green tea.
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