Acupuncture is an ancient art of healing, now practiced as one of the three main pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). But, contrary to many Westerners’ understanding, acupuncture wasn’t always accepted even in China as a method of healing.In fact, the practice of acupuncture has a very … [Read more...] about Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine History
Yin and Yang in Ancient Chinese Herbs
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recognizes that a harmonious balance throughout the body is optimal for health. Rather than focusing only on relieving symptoms, TCM seeks to understand the underlying causes of those symptoms and then use herbs and other modalities to restore an overall balance. … [Read more...] about Yin and Yang in Ancient Chinese Herbs
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbs
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has long been held as mysterious at best and controversial at worst. Its long standing history however has backed its validity in more ways than one can shake a stick at. For the last 40 years now, western world has slowly been awakened by the significance and … [Read more...] about Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbs
Nitric Oxide and Heart Health – 4 Easy Minutes
One of the key components of heart health is Nitric Oxide (NO) production in our endothelial layer of our arterial vessels. Below you will see one of the easiest ways in elevating your NO production level through a simple 4 minute daily exercise routine. Credit: Dr. Zach Bush, … [Read more...] about Nitric Oxide and Heart Health – 4 Easy Minutes
Nitric Oxide Supplementation
Neo40 Lozenges - Nitric Oxide Supplement by Human Power of N Benefits: Help restore and replenish your body’s nitric oxide levels with the patented Neo40 daily formula. It is clinically researched to help relax arterial walls and support healthy circulation. Healthy circulation is associated with … [Read more...] about Nitric Oxide Supplementation
Nitric Oxide – Essential To Your Heart Health
Millions of Americans have varying degree of cardiovascular challenges. Some life-threatening. Heart health is not a matter to be underestimated. In fact, it should be a top priority in everyone's wellness routine. I will be devoting at least the next 2 blogs this month to shed some light about a … [Read more...] about Nitric Oxide – Essential To Your Heart Health
How’s Your Microbiome?
Microbiome is a word that you may have heard of recently. It's a word being used in increasing frequency to refer to our gut health. And our gut health is one of the hottest topics in the healthy field right now. So I will begin here by sharing some background and practical info from time to time … [Read more...] about How’s Your Microbiome?
Is Avocado Good For You?
With the Keto Diet gaining popularity, more and more people are interested in Avocado as their source of high-fats diet plan. Avocado, one of the most beloved fruits(because it is a single seeded fruit from a tree)/vegetable(because of lack of sweetness, its fatty content v. all other fruits, and … [Read more...] about Is Avocado Good For You?
How to Detox After New Year’s Parties
It’s fun to pop some champagne and toast the new year, but the next day rarely has you feeling as good. Start the new year fresh by giving your liver a much deserved cleanse and detoxing the rest of your body while you’re at it. Turn to Greek Yogurt Greek yogurt should already be a staple in … [Read more...] about How to Detox After New Year’s Parties
Introducing Dr. Michael Greger
In my research over the years, I have poured over hundreds of websites and thousands of scientific publications. However rewarding that is (and it is), the work is very laborious and time consuming. In the course of last 2 years however, I found a site that does an excellent job in doing what I was … [Read more...] about Introducing Dr. Michael Greger